Wednesday, June 30, 2010

17. Barbarous

So I asked for requests for today's word of the day. I choose BARBAROUS, never knew what the meaning of the word is until now...

Something about "savagely cruel, exceedingly brutal".

However, the style I chose to design in does not show the meaning of the word. But does it have to?

Word in progress:


©Alice Lo

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So just over half way now !!

Whoosh ! time does pass doesn't it ?!

Today's word is stuck ... cos i was trying to think of a word for today and i felt a bit "stuck" lol ! and then i started to visualize in my head how i wanted to to look ... then i thought ... mmm definitely one that i could design/illustrate ...

Yup it's another free hand one, just cos i don't have time ( poor time management ) eeek and I took longer than i expected with this one as well ...

Word in progress:


©Alice Lo

Monday, June 28, 2010

15. FUCK!

FUCK ! is today's word, ha but i have substituted the middle letters for symbols !

This word was inspired by Claire ( my awesome awesome colleague ) she had a bad day last week ... and she said she only had one word on her mind ... lol and let's be honest here, everyone thinks it or has said it before !! and there are moments when that's the only word that best fits the situation :P

Enjoy !

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

14. COLD

It's been a bit cold lately ! brrrrr :) well it is winter ...

I wanted to design something tall and skinny ... so I decided to go for a vernacular design today.

Work in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

13. Crazy

Are you crazy ?!!!

haha today's word is crazy ... cos yeah we all gotta be a lil crazy sometimes, eh ?!

I found it quite hard to design my word of the day today :( Still not pleased with the end result !

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

12. meh

eeeek today's word is meh !

urban dictionary explanation for meh is :
"Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care."

well i didn't have time to design this one today ... meh.


going to make a mad dash to auckland to hand in my assignment !!

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

11. iLike

Recently one of our 3rd year students lost his iPod, he whipped up some posters with large words iLost my iPod. I thought it was pretty clever of him. So todays word is iLike !

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

10. Arrows

LOL it was only a matter of time before I whipped out this one !! anyone that knows me well ... or gimme a pencil and paper and that's all i doodle ! arrows arrows arrows. It's a serious obsession !! and obviously ... i really enjoyed drawing up this Word of the day :) Arrow love !!

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

9. Discipline

I have chosen this word discipline, as I feel it is important for everyone to have discipline in anything or everything they choose to do in their life. Without discipline it is hard to succeed.

I haven't designed type in this style before ... although its becoming an overly common style in type design. But I wanted to give it a try ...

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

8. heart

Today's word of the day is love. But I have decided to use a bracket and the number 3. As it is often used in chat lingo to represent a heart. Initially I was going to design the word Love but my sketches were a bit too lovey dovey.

Hope you feel the love today :)

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I had this idea a few days ago. I always enjoy drawing in perspective, but its hard !! and I am heavily inspired by Takenobu Iragashi - I heart his work. I can't compare !

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo

6. STINK !

I was "Feeling Stink !" the other day so I drew it and now i've digitalized it. Not sure if I like the design of my word today ... it's a bit cliche.

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo

Thursday, June 17, 2010

5. Braai

I have been invited to a traditional South African BBQ tonight. They call it "Braai". Hence today's word of the day is Braai. This took me 30 minutes to design and I don't have much time today to spend on it !!

Also I thought I was taking screenshots along the way but ... i only took two :(

Word in Progress:


© Alice Lo

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

4. omg

OMG !! For this one I did not work to a strict grid. I tried very hard to get some shading, but I could not get the lines right :( hence I had to scrap it. You can see it in my process that I experimented with it.

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

3. Fixation

"Fixation" This word was an extension to the word I designed "Blurred". I intended it to unify with Blurred but however, as I worked on it ... it sort of started to look very different.

Word in progress:

Close up:


© Alice Lo 2010

2. Blurred

"Blurred Fixation" is this years Computer Graphic Design (BCGD) degree show exhibition name. I had taken a printed copy of the identity the students had designed and stuck it in my diary... I then started to redraw the letters...

Here is an image of what some of our 3rd year students have designed as an identity for the exhibition:

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

This was a toughie to finish, I had to start working with a grid system. Was not quite satisfied with the end result. It is also based on the typeface rockwell, as this is the typeface the students used for the degreeshow identity.

1. Crash + Burn

I have been a bit tired lately, Et my colleague said oh your "crashing" so inspired by that word, decided to draw up "crash + burn".

Word in progress:


© Alice Lo 2010

A New Day

A few days ago I decided ... that I would challenge myself start designing a word a day. Starting from the 14TH of June until the 14TH of July. One whole month (30 days). I really didn't know what I am getting myself into! but I have decided that since I have started this challenge that I will not give up (yet).

I have already designed 3 words and I have been posting it on my Facebook. But thought I should start a blog as well, this way everyone can see it :)